This week at the Dickinson Area Public Library, Children's Librarian Jade Praus welcomed children back to Storytime for the first time in over a year. There was much excitement and preparation leading up to the return of in person programming. Nearly all of the Tuesday slots for story time were full, with the numbers for Wednesday being a bit lower. From all of the staff at the Dickinson Area Public Library, as well as the Library foundation welcome back!
The staff at the Dickinson Area Public Library are already hard at work preparing for this year's summer reading program, we can't give away too much just yet. What we can say is that this years summer reading program will be completely different than any that have come before, and we hope you will join us and all the Library staff on Saturday May 29th to see all of the new and exciting things the Library has cooked up for its Patrons.
Come back next week for more information on upcoming Library events, or visit the Dickinson Public Library's website at